adrenal Cancer

adrenal cancer

Adrenal Cancer

  • Adrenal cancer, a rare malignancy arising from the adrenal glands, impacts the small, triangular organs situated atop each kidney. These crucial glands play a pivotal role in producing hormones that regulate various bodily functions, including metabolism, blood pressure, and stress response. Adrenal cancer typically manifests with vague symptoms such as abdominal pain, weight loss, and hormonal imbalances.


  1. Genetic Predisposition: In some cases, individuals with certain genetic syndromes, such as Li-Fraumeni syndrome or Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, have an increased risk of developing adrenal cancer. Genetic mutations inherited from parents may play a role in the initiation of cancerous growth.

  2. TP53 Gene Mutations: Alterations in the TP53 gene, responsible for suppressing tumor formation, have been identified in a subset of adrenal cancer cases. Mutations in this gene can lead to uncontrolled cell growth and the development of cancer.

  3. Hereditary Factors: A family history of adrenal cancer or other related cancers may elevate an individual’s susceptibility. While rare, there is evidence suggesting a hereditary component in some cases.

  4. Exposure to Carcinogens: Prolonged exposure to certain environmental toxins or carcinogens may contribute to the development of adrenal cancer, although specific agents linked to this cancer are not well-defined.

  5. Age and Gender: Adrenal cancer tends to occur more frequently in children than adults, and there is a slight predilection for females. However, it can affect individuals of any age or gender.

  6. Hormonal Imbalances: Some cases of adrenal cancer are associated with abnormal hormone production, particularly excess cortisol (Cushing’s syndrome) or androgens. Hormonal imbalances can contribute to tumor growth and progression.


Signs & Symptoms

  1. Weight gain
  2. Muscle weakness
  3. Pink or purple stretch marks on the skin
  4. Hormone changes in women that might cause excess facial hair, hair loss on the head and irregular periods
  5. Hormone changes in men that might cause enlarged breast tissue and shrinking testicles
  6. Nausea
  7. Vomiting
  8. Abdominal bloating
  9. Back pain
  10. Fever
  11. Loss of appetite
  12. Loss of weight without training 

Make An Appointment

Dr. Anil Kumar T